How To Protect Your Facebook Account From Hackers.

How To Protect Your Facebook Account From Hackers

Facebook has grown to become the
most popular social media platform
with billions of users. Despite its
success, the platform is faced with lots
of security threats and that includes
hackers who use malicious means to
steal users’ information and take
control of their accounts.
I haven’t gotten my Facebook account
hacked before but I know that it can be
very devastating to lose your Facebook
account which is now more or less
one’s property. Facebook is aware of
these threats has introduced lots of
security features to help users protect
their accounts from hackers.
However, most Facebook users are
ignorant of these features hence end up
learning the hard way. So in this
article, I will outline some of the
methods you can use to secure your
Facebook account and prevent it from
getting hacked.
This is one of the Facebook security
features I love and use. Most online
platforms have also implemented the
two-factor authentication. Two-factor
authentication simply means that,
when your account is logged in from an
unknown device, a code or a message
will be sent to the registered phone on
the account.
The user on the other end will be
required to enter the code or approve
the login by tapping yes on the phone.
The hacker can only access your
account if he has your phone with him
which we all know is impossible. Once
you disapprove the login, Facebook
will secure your account and help you
secure it by making you change your
If you don’t have this feature activated,
please do so now by clicking on this
link .
How To Get Thousands Of
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Before the two-factor authentication
was introduced, using strong passwords
was and still remains one of the best
ways to secure your Facebook
accounts. A strong password doesn’t
mean long password. A strong
password is a mixture of alphabets,
symbols, numbers, lower and upper
Such passwords are impossible to hack
and make your account more secure.
A password like youngboy864ismyname
might look long but is very easy to hack
as compared to a password like
So9@r1t! . If you have difficulty
remembering your password, write it
I see friends on Facebook partake in
quizzes such as ‘How will you look when
you’re old’ , ‘Are you a virgin’ , etc. They
give away their data unknowingly and
sometimes allow those apps access to
their account details in order to use
Some of these quizzes and apps might
seem harmless but they can cost you
your account. Giving them access to
your details is like inviting a thief to
your home, you’ll surely get robbed.
Always make sure you check the details
these apps want you to share with
them before allowing them access to
your account.
Also, remember to review apps that
have access to your account and delete
the ones you deem not important. Click
on this link to see the apps that have
access to your account and also remove
the ones you don’t want.
I recommend you give access to only
trusted apps and always remember to
revoke this access once you stop using
the app.
Facebook has a feature that sends you
notification anytime your account is
logged in from an unknown device. For
instance, if you log in your account on a
new laptop or a friend’s laptop or even
a from an internet café, Facebook will
send you a notification about that
login. Same applies when someone else
does same.
This alert will be sent to the email
address or registered phone number of
the account. If you’re not the one who
initiated the login, Facebook will help
you secure your account immediately.
You have to activate this feature in
order to enjoy its benefits by clicking
on this link .
With all these features activated on
your Facebook account, be rest assured
your account is fully secured and far
from the reach of hackers. I have used
them to keep my account save for
almost a decade and you can too.
If you have other tips on how to keep
your Facebook account safe from
hackers, share them with us in the
comment section.


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